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長期留学レポート 第2弾




国際観光学部では、4年間の在学中に2度の留学プログラム(経営学部 国際観光ビジネス学科生も対象)があります。

■アメリカ Tacoma Community College  森川 雄斗さん


Mr. Yuto Morikawa, Tacoma Community College, USA

I celebrated my 21st birthday while studying abroad. My home-stay family’s son also celebrated his 7th birthday, so we had a party with his relatives and celebrated my birthday with him. As a gift, I received a shirt with the word "Tacoma" written on it and a coffee cup. I am so touched that I became a part of their family. Now I can do housework and other things by myself, and I feel like I'm growing. At the same time, I also felt gratitude for my parents. When I lived with my parents in Japan, I depended on them for everything. There was a time when I said something harsh to my parents. Even so, my parents stood by me during hard times and sadness. Why was I able to study abroad? That’s because my parents supported . That was the day I felt happiness and loneliness at the same time.

■カナダ The University of British Columbia  田岡 葵さん


Aoi Taoka, The University of British Columbia, Canada

Before I studied abroad, I thought that I would be able to speak English as I spent my days in an English environment. However, in fact, there are many Japanese in our class, and I learned that even though I was able study abroad, I was not able to create an English-speaking environment. There were several people from other countries in my class, so I tried to communicate with the students from different countries.
Also, I learned that English pronunciation differs from country to country. In that context, it is important to communicate with students from other countries.

▲図書館(The University of British Columbia)

■アメリカ Tacoma Community College  山本 小夏さん

Tacoma Night Marketという月末の土日にDowntownで行われるマーケットに行きました。Tacoma Night MarketはTacomaの伝統工芸品やHand madeのアクセサリーが売られていたり楽しいところだとMotherが教えてくれました。Nightといわれるだけあり、土曜日は夜中に、日曜日は昼間に開催されます。初めて見る工芸品、手作りとは思えない美しい家具、可愛いcandleなど見ていてとても楽しかったです。
アメリカは障がい者の人に優しい国だと思います。マーケットなどに行くと、車椅子の人専用に買い物カートが置かれています。Tacoma Community Collegeの敷地内でも車椅子の人用にスロープがいたるところにあり、内からも外からもボタンを押すと自動でドアが開くようになっています。
I went to the Tacoma Night Market, which is held on the last Saturday and Sunday of every month in Downtown Tacoma. My host mother told me that the Tacoma Night Market is a fun place where traditional Tacoma crafts and handmade accessories are sold. As the name implies, it is held at midnight on Saturday and during the day on Sunday. Since I went on Sunday, I think there were fewer people and stores than the day before. Nevertheless it was fun to see crafts I had never seen before, beautiful furniture that I could not believe was handmade, cute candles, and so on. 
I think the U.S. is a country that is kind to people with physical disabilities. At TCC, there are ramps everywhere for wheelchair users, and doors that open automatically with the push of a button from the inside or outside.

■アイルランド Dublin City University 瀨戸 陸帆さん
From the day I arrived in Ireland, I was very confused by the differences between American English and British English. By now, though, I've been able to understand British English little by little.
Dublin City University is a national university in Ireland. It's so big that it can't be compared to Japanese universities. My class is so global that I can speak English all the time. Also, I was able to improve my listening because I could hear the accents of people from various countries.
I was able to go to various places this month. I want to continue to do so next month as well. 
I can now speak English very well with my friends, but I haven't been able to communicate with local people. My next goal is to better communicate with them.


■アメリカ Tacoma Community College  吉川 昂希さん
Let me talk about the dance party at Tacoma Community College. I was able to meet people from different countries, see different kinds of music and dance, and make many new friends. It was a very meaningful time for me to talk with people in English. For example, it was interesting to learn about the differences in life circumstances, love stories, and hobbies from people from other countries.
After the dance party, we went to the beach and I continued my conversation with friends while looking out at the ocean. I don't remember much about the content, but I just remember that it was fun. At that time, I felt that I spoke English more than any other time when I came to study abroad.



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